Thursday, April 26, 2007

Week 3 - Day 3

Well today is what I would consider a bit of a disaster. I thought I would try and "test the waters" ... so at 10 minutes into the walk I started a slow run. About a minute later I stopped and never recovered after that. The same tightness came on strong and there was enough discomfort that when I hit the 20 minute mark, I didn't go any further. Man my lower legs where stiff ... can they really be this bad? Here are the stats:

Total Distance: 1.05 mi
Total Time: 19:15
Avg Pace: 18:16 /mi
Heart Rate: 115 bpm

This coming Tuesday I'm supposed to start running for 1 minute, followed by walking for 4. Then I repeat that over 30 minutes. I'm certainly dreading it now after this evening ... but I'll be out there on Tuesday attempting it anyway!

1 comment:

glennlavender said...

Hang in there Mark. One of my favorite Dean Karnazes quotes is "Pain eliminates weakness!" You're getting stronger buddy!!